JOYFUL MYSTERIES - Meditation: Monday Saturday

    I. The Annunciation
      : Humility

    II. The Visitation

      : Charity

    III. The Birth of Our Lord

      : Detachment from the world, poverty

    IV. The Presentation of Our Lord

      : Purity of heart, obedience

    V. The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple

      : Piety

SORROWFUL MYSTERIES - Meditation: Tuesday Friday

    I. The Agony in the Garden
      : Contrition for our sins

    II. The Scourging at the Pillar

      : Mortification of our senses

    III. The Crowning with Thorns

      : Interior mortification

    IV. The Carrying of the Cross

      : Patience under crosses

    V. The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord

      : That we may die to ourselves

GLORIOUS MYSTERIES - Meditation: Sunday Wednesday

    I. The Resurrection
      : Conversion of heart

    II. The Ascension

      : A desire for heaven

    III. The Coming of the Holy Ghost

      : The Gifts of the Holy Ghost

    IV. The Assumption of our Blessed Mother into Heaven

      : Devotion to Mary

    V. The Coronation of our Blessed Mother

      : Eternal happiness

MYSTERIES OF LIGHT - Meditation: Thursday