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Topic Saint Feast Day
Abandoned Infants St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Accountants St. Matthew 09/21
Actors St. Genesius of Arles 08/25
Advertisers St. Bernardine of Siena 05/20
Air Travelers St. Joseph of Cupertino 09/18
Alpinists St. Bernard of Menthon 05/28
Altar Boys St. John Berchmans 08/13
Animals St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Animals, Domestic St. Anthony 01/17
Animals, Domestic St. Cornelius 09/16
Animals, Domestic St. Ambrose 12/07
Animals, Domestic St. Gerlac of Valkenburg 01/05
Apologists St. Justin 06/01
Archers St. Sebastian 01/20
Architects St. Thomas 07/03
Architects St. Barbara 12/04
Armorers St. Sebastian 01/20
Armorers St. Dunstan 05/19
Armories St. Lawrence 08/10
Art St. Catherine Bologna 03/09
Artillerymen St. Barbara 12/04
Artists St. Michael 09/29
Artists St. Luke 10/18
Astronomers St. Dominic 08/08
Athletes St. Sebastian 01/20
Authors St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Authors St. Lucy 12/13
Automobilists St. Frances of Rome 03/09
Automobilists St. Christopher 07/25
Aviators St. Joseph of Cupertino 09/18
Aviators Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Aviators Our Lady of Loretto 12/10
Bakers St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Bakers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Bakers St. Peter 06/29
Bankers St. Matthew 09/21
Barbers St. Louis of France 08/25
Barbers SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Barren Women St. Felicity 03/07
Barren Women St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Basket-makers St. Anthony 01/17
Beekeepers St. Bernard of Clairvaux 08/20
Beekeepers St. Ambrose 12/07
Beggars St. Alexius 07/17
Beggars St. Giles 09/01
Beggars St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Beggars St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Belt-makers St. Alexius 07/17
Blacksmiths St. Dunstan 05/19
Blind St. Dunstan 05/19
Blind SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Blind St. Raphael 09/29
Blind St. Odilia 12/13
Blind St. Lucy 12/13
Bodily Ills Our Lady or Lourdes 02/11
Bookbinders St. Peter Celestine 05/19
Bookkeepers St. Matthew 09/21
Booksellers Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Booksellers St. John of God 03/08
Booksellers St. John the Evangelist 12/27
Boy Scouts St. George 04/23
Brewers St. Boniface 06/05
Brewers St. Augustine 08/28
Brewers St. Luke10/18
Brewers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Bricklayers St. Stephen 12/26
Brides St. Dorothy 02/06
Brides St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Broadcasters St. Gabriel 09/29
Brush-makers St. Anthony 01/17
Builders St. Vincent Ferrer 04/05
Builders St. Thomas 07/03
Butchers St. Anthony 01/17
Butchers St. Adrian 09/08
Butchers St. Luke 10/18
Cab Drivers St. Fiacre 08/30
Cabinet-makers St. Anne, Mother of Mary07/26
Cancer Patients St. Peregrine Laziosi 05/02
Canonist St. Raymond of Penyafort 01/07
Candle Makers St. Ambrose 12/07
Captives St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Carpenters St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Catechists St. Robert Bellarmine 09/17
Catechists St. Viator 10/21
Catechists St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Catechumens St. Robert Bellarmine 09/17
Catechumens St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Catholic Action St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Catholic Action St. Paul 06/29
Catholic Charities St. Elizabeth of Portugal 07/04
Catholic Charities St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Catholic Schools Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Catholic Writers/Press St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Catholic Youth St. Charles Lwanga 06/03
Catholic Youth St. Aloysius Gonzaga 06/21
Cattle St. Cornelius 09/16
Cavalrymen St. George 04/23
Chandlers St. Bernard of Clairvaux 08/20
Chandlers St. Ambrose 12/07
Charitable Societies St. Vincent de Paul 09/27
Child Birth St. Gerard Majella 10/16
Children St. Pancras 05/12
Children St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Children, Abandoned St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Children of Mary St. Agnes 01/21
Children of Mary St. Maria Goretti 07/06
Children's Choir Holy Innocents 12/28
Childless Women St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Chivalry St. George 04/23
Church St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Christian Mothers St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Clerics St. Gabriel\Sorrowful Mother 02/27
Clock makers St. Peter 06/29
Comedians St. Vitus 06/15
Communications St. Gabriel 09/29
Confessors St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/02
Confessors St. John Nepomucene 05/16
Convulsion in Children St. Scholastica 02/10
Cooks St. Martha 07/29
Cooks St. Lawrence 08/10
Coopers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Coppersmiths St. Maurus 01/15
Crop Protection St. Ansovinus 03/13
Cursillo Movement St. Paul 06/29
Custom Officials St. Matthew 09/21
Dairy Workers St. Briget 07/23
Dancers St. Vitus 06/15
Deaf St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Dentists St. Apollonia 02/09
Desperate Situations St. Jude Thaddeus 10/28
Desperate Situations St. Gregory of Neocaesarea 11/17
Doctors St. Luke 10/18
Domestic Workers St. Zita 04/27
Drought Relief St. Heribert 03/16
Drought Relief St. Godeberta 04/11
Drought Relief St. Solange 05/10
Druggists St. James the less 05/03
Druggists SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Dyers SS. Maurice and Lydia 08/03
Dying St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Dying St. James the less 05/03
Dying St. Barbara 12/04
Ecology St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Editors St. John Bosco 01/31
Elderly St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Emigrants St. Francis Xavier Cabrini 11/13
Engaged Couples St. Agnes 01/21
Engineers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Engineers St. Ferdinand III 05/30
Epidemics St. Godeberta 04/11
Eucharistic Congress St. Paschal Baylon 05/17
Expectant Mothers St. Margaret 07/20
Expectant Mothers St. Raymond Nonnatus 08/31
Expectant Mothers St. Gerard Majella 10/16
Eye Disorders St. Herve 06/17
Eye Disorders St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Eye Trouble St. Lucy 12/13
Falsely Accused St. Raymond Nonnatus 08/31
Family St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Farmers St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Farmers St. George 04/23
Farriers St. John the Baptist 08/29
Fathers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Florists St. Rose of Lima 08/23
Florists Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Fire Prevention St. Catherine of Siena 04/29
Fire Prevention St. Barbara 12/04
Firemen St. Florian 05/04
Fires St. Agatha 02/05
First Communicants Bl. Imelda 05/12
First Communicants St. Tarcisius 08/15
Fishermen St. Peter 06/29
Fishermen St. Andrew 11/30
Florists St. Dorothy 02/06
Florists Thérèse of the Child Jesus10/01
Forest-workers St. John Gualbert 07/12
Founders St. Barbara 12/04
Foundlings Holy Innocents 12/28
Fullers St. James the less 05/03
Fullers St. Anastasius the Fuller 09/07
Funeral Directors St. Dismas 03/25
Funeral Directors St. Joseph of Arimathea 03/17
Gardeners St. Adalard 01/02
Gardeners St. Dorothy 02/06
Gardeners St. Rose of Lima 08/23
Gardeners St. Fiacre 08/30
Gardeners St. Tryphon 11/10
Geologist St. Barbara 12/04
Geometricians St. Thomas 07/03
Girls St. Agnes 01/21
Glass-workers St. Luke 10/18
Glaziers St. Mark 04/25
Goldsmiths St. Dunstan 05/19
Goldsmiths St. Anastasius the Fuller 09/07
Grave-diggers St. Anthony 01/17
Greetings St. Valentine 02/14
Grocers St. Michael 09/29
Guardian Angles St. Raphael 09/29
Gunners St. Barbara 02/04
Hairdressers St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Handicapped St. Giles 09/01
Harvest St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Hatters St. Severus of Ravenna 02/01
Hatters ST. James the less 05/03
Haymakers SS. Gervase and Protase 06/19
Headaches St. Teresa of Avila 10/15
Heart Ailments St. John of God 03/08
Hospitality St. Julian 02/12
Hospitals St. John of God 03/08
Hospitals St. Camillus de Lellis 07/18
Hospitals St. Jude Thaddeus 10/28
Housewives St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Housewives St. Martha 07/29
Hunters St. Hubert 11/03
Huntsman St. Eustachius 09/20
Inn-keepers St. Amand 02/06
Inn-keepers St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Interior souls St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Invalids St. Roch 08/16
Immigrants St. Francis Xavier Cabrini 11/13
Impossible Cases Rita of Cascia 05/22
Ironmongers St. Sebastian 01/20
Jewelers St. Eligius 12/01
Journalists St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Jurists St. John of Capistrano 10/23
Jurists St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Knights St. Michael 09/29
Laborers St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Laborers St. James 07/25
Lawyers St. Ivo -- St Yves in French 05/19
Lawyers St. Genesius 08/25
Lawyers St. Thomas More 06/22
Lay Apostate St. Paul 06/29
Learning St. Acca 11/27
Learning St. Ambrose 12/07
Librarians St. Jerome 09/30
Locksmiths St. Dunstan 05/19
Lost Articles St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Lovers St. Raphael 09/29
Lovers St. Valentine 02/14
Marble-workers St. Clement I 11/23
Mariners St. Nicholas Tolentino 09/10
Mariners St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Mariners St. Michael 09/29
Married Women St. Monica 08/27
Masons St. Louis of France 08/25
Mentally Ill St. Dympna 05/15
Merchants St. Francis of Assisi10/04
Merchants St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Messengers St. Gabriel 09/29
Metalworkers St. Eligius 12/01
Midwives St. Raymond Nonnatus 08/31
Millers St. Victor 07/21
Millers St. Arnulph 08/15
Military Chaplains St. John of Capistrano 10/23
Miners St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Miners St. Barbara 12/04
Miscarriage Prevention Catherine of Sweden
Missions Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Missions St. Francis Xavier 12/03
Missions (Home) St. Leonard of Port Maurice 11/26
Missions (Negro) St. Benedict the Moor 04/04
Missions (Negro) St. Peter Clave 09/09
Mothers St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Mothers St. Monica 08/27
Motorcyclists Our Lady of Grace 05/31
Motorists St. Christopher 07/25
Mountaineers St. Bernard of Menthon 05/28
Musicians St. Dunstan 05/19
Musicians St. Paul 06/29
Musicians St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Musicians St. Cecilia 11/22
Nail-makers St. Cloud 09/07
Notaries St. Mark 04/25
Notaries St. Luke 10/18
Nurses St. John of God 03/08
Nurses St. Agatha 02/05
Nurses St. Alexius 07/17
Nurses St. Camillus de Lellis 07/18
Nurses St. Margaret 07/20
Nurses St. Raphael 09/29
Old Maids St. Andrew 11/30
Orators St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Organ Builders St. Cecilia 11/22
Orphans St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Painters St. Luke 10/18
Painters St. John the Evangelist 12/27
Paratroopers St. Michael 09/29
Pawnbrokers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Peasants St. Margaret 07/20
Penitents St. Mary Magdalene 07/22
Pestilence (Relief) St. Roch 08/16
Pharmacists SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Philosophers St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Philosophers St. Justin 06/01
Philosophers St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Physicians St. Pantaleon 07/27
Physicians SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Physicians St. Luke 10/18
Physicians St. Raphael 09/29
Pilgrims St. Alexius 07/17
Pilgrims St. James 07/25
Plague-stricken St. Roch 08/16
Plasterers St. Bartholomew 08/24
Plumbers St. Vincent Ferrer 04/05
Poets St. Cecilia 11/22
Poets St. David 12/29
Poisoning St. Benedict 07/11
Policemen St. Michael 09/29
Poor St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Poor St. Lawrence 08/10
Porters St. Christopher 07/25
Possessed St. Bruno 10/06
Possessed St. Denis 10/09
Postal Employees St. Gabriel 09/29
Preachers St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Preachers St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Pregnant Women St. Margaret 07/20
Pregnant Women St. Raymond Nonnatus 08/31
Pregnant Women St. Gerard Majella 10/16
Priests St. John Mary Vianney 08/04
Printers St. John of God 03/08
Printers St. Genesius 08/25
Printers St. Augustine 08/28
Printers St. John the Baptist 08/29
Prisoners St. Dismas 03/25
Prisoners St. Barbara 12/04
Radio-workers St. Gabriel 09/29
Radiologists St. Michael 09/29
Retreats St. Ignatius of Loyola 07/31
Rome St. Peter 06/29
Rome St. Paul 06/29
Rome St. Lawrence 08/10
Rome St. Philip Neri 05/26
Rheumatism St. James 07/25
Rural Communities St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Sacred Music St. Cecilia 11/22
Saddlers SS. Crispin and Crispinian 10/25
Sailors St. Eulalia 02/12
Sailors St. Cuthbert 03/20
Sailors St. Peter Gonzales 04/15
Sailors St. Brendan 05/16
Sailors St. Erasmus 06/02
Sailors St. Christopher 07/25
Sailors St. Nicholas Tolentino 09/10
Sailors St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Scholars St. Briget 07/23
Schools St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Schools for the Poor St. Joseph Calasanz 08/25
Schoolboys St. Benedict 07/11
Schoolboys St. Lawrence 08/10
Scientists St. Albert the Great 11/15
Scripture Scholars St. Jerome 09/30
Sculptors St. Louis of France 08/25
Sculptors St. Luke 10/18
Sculptors St. Claude 11/08
Secretaries St. Genesius 08/25
Seminarians St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Servants St. Zita 04/27
Servants St. Martha 07/29
Shoemakers SS. Crispin and Crispinian 10/25
Sick St. John of God 03/08
Sick St. Bartholomew 08/24
Sick St. Camillus de Lellis 07/18
Sick St. Philomena 08/11
Sick St. Michael 09/29
Sick Pilgrims St. Pius X 08/21
Silversmiths St. Andronicus 10/11
Singers St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Singers St. Cecilia 11/22
Singles St. Andrew 11/30
Skaters St. Lidwina 04/14
Skiers St. Bernard of Menthon 05/28
Skin Diseases St. Anthony 01/17
Smiths St. Eligius 12/01
Snake Bites St. Hilary of Poitiers 01/13
Social Justice St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Social Justice St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Social Workers St. Louisa de Marillac 03/15
Soldiers St. Sebastian 01/20
Soldiers St. George 04/23
Soldiers St. Joan of Arc 05/30
Soldiers St. Ignatius of Loyola 07/31
Soldiers St. Adrian 09/08
Soldiers St. Michael 09/29
Soldiers St. Martin of Tours11/11
Sore Throat ST. BLAISE 02/03
Speakers St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Spinsters St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Stenographers St. Genesius 08/25
Stenographers St. Cassian 12/03
Stomach Disorders St. Timothy 01/26
Stone-cutters St. Clement I 11/23
Stone-masons St. Barbara 12/04
Stone-masons St. Stephen 12/26
Students St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Students St. Jerome 09/30
Students St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Surgeons SS. Cosmas and Damian 09/26
Surgeons St. Luke 10/18
Swine herds St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Sword smiths St. Maurice 09/22
Tailors St. Boniface 06/05
Tailors St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Tailors St. Homobonus 11/13
Tanners St. Simon 05/10
Tanners St. Lawrence 08/10
Tanners SS. Crispin and Crispinian 10/25
Tax-gathers St. Matthew 09/21
Taxi Drivers St. Fiacre 08/30
Teachers St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Teachers St. Ursala 10/21
Teachers St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Teachers (Principal) St. John Baptist de la Salle 04/07
Teenage Girls St. Maria Goretti 07/06
Telecommunications St. Gabriel 09/29
Telegraph/Telephone St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Telegraph/Telephone St. Gabriel 09/29
Television St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Tent makers St. Paul 06/29
Tertiaries St. Louis of France 08/25
Tertiaries St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Theology St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Theology St. Augustine 08/28
Theology (Moral) St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/01
Travelers St. Julian 02/12
Travelers St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Travelers St. Christopher 07/25
Travelers St. Raphael 09/29
Travelers St. Gertrude the Great11/16
Travelers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Undertakers St. Dismas 03/25
Universal Church St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Universities Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Universities Bl. Contardo Ferrini 10/05
Vintners St. Amand 02/06
Vintners St. Vincent 01/22
Vintners St. Morand 06/03
Volcanic Eruptions St. Agatha 02/05
Vocations St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/01
Waiters\Waitresses St. Martha 07/29
Watchmen St. Peter of Alcantara 10/19
Weavers St. Paul the Hermit 01/15
Weavers St. Anastasius the Fuller 09/07
Wheelwrights St. Catherine of Alexandria 11/25
Widows St. Frances of Rome 03/09
Widows St. Paula 01/26
Wine-growers St. Vincent 01/22
Wine-growers St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Wine-merchants St. Amand 02/06
Women in Labor St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Women in Labor St. Margaret 07/20
Women's Army Corp St. Genevieve 01/03
Workers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Writers St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Writers St. Lucy 12/13
Yachtsmen St. Adjutor 09/01
Young Girls St. Agnes 01/21
Youth St. Gabriel Possenti 02/27
Youth St. Aloysius Gonzaga 06/21
Youth St. John Berchmans 08/13
Youth St. Maria Goretti 07/06